Home>Recipe>Air Fryer Hot Dogs with Rainbow Platter Recipe

Air Fryer Hot Dogs with Rainbow Platter Recipe Air Fryer Hot Dogs with Rainbow Platter Recipe


Air Fryer Hot Dogs with Rainbow Platter Recipe

Written by: Emily Smith

Indulge in a delicious air fryer hot dog recipe served on a vibrant rainbow platter. Try this mouthwatering recipe today!

Whipping up air fryer hot dogs with a vibrant rainbow platter today. Crispy dogs, fresh veggies, a burst of color and flavor. Can't wait to dig in, it's a feast for the eyes and belly!

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Ever thrown a hot dog in an air fryer? Let me tell you, it's a game changer! Quick, easy, and mouth-wateringly good. But no ordinary hot dog will do in my kitchen, so let's jazz it up with a rainbow platter. Color-popping, crunchy, and super fresh—your taste buds will be doing the salsa! Perfect for midweek dinners, lazy weekend picnics, or impressing friends at a BBQ, my air fryer hot dogs with a rainbow platter recipe is not-to-be-missed. Give it a bash, you won't be disappointed!

Ingredients for Colorful Air Fryer Hot Dogs

  • Hot dogs: Juicy and flavorful, hot dogs are the star of this dish, providing a classic and satisfying main protein element.
  • Hot dog buns: Essential for holding the hot dogs, these buns offer a soft and slightly toasted base for the toppings.
  • Red bell pepper: Adds a pop of color and a sweet, tangy flavor to the dish, complementing the savory hot dogs.
  • Yellow bell pepper: Another vibrant addition, the yellow bell pepper brings a slightly different flavor profile to the dish.
  • Green bell pepper: Offers a fresh and slightly bitter taste, balancing out the sweetness of the other bell peppers.
  • Orange bell pepper: Completing the rainbow of bell peppers, the orange variety adds a subtle citrusy note to the dish.
  • Red cabbage: Provides a crunchy texture and a vibrant purple color to the rainbow platter, adding a hint of peppery flavor.
  • Broccoli: Adds a touch of green to the rainbow platter, offering a slightly bitter and earthy flavor to the mix.

One unique twist you can add to this air fryer hot dogs with rainbow platter recipe is to brush the hot dog buns with garlic butter before toasting them in the air fryer. This will give them a delicious garlic flavor that pairs perfectly with the colorful veggies and hot dogs.

Essential Tools for Making Air Fryer Hot Dogs with Rainbow Platter

  • Air fryer: Cooks hot dogs quickly and gives them a crispy texture without the need for oil.
  • Knife: Essential for slicing the bell peppers, red cabbage, and broccoli into thin strips.
  • Cutting board: Provides a stable surface for chopping the vegetables and ensures safety while using the knife.

Common Questions About Making Hot Dogs in an Air Fryer

Can I use other types of sausages instead of hot dogs?
Yes, feel free to substitute hot dogs with your favorite sausages for a different flavor twist.
How can I make this recipe vegetarian?
To make this recipe vegetarian, swap the hot dogs for plant-based or vegetarian sausages and skip the optional toppings like ketchup and mustard.
Can I add other vegetables to the rainbow platter?
Absolutely! You can customize the rainbow platter by adding any of your favorite vegetables to make it more colorful and diverse.
Is there a way to make this recipe healthier?
To make this recipe healthier, consider using whole wheat or multigrain buns, and go easy on the toppings. You can also reduce the amount of oil used on the vegetables.
Can I prepare the vegetables in advance?
Yes, you can slice the vegetables ahead of time and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator until you're ready to assemble the rainbow platter.

Serves: 4 people

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 15 minutes


  • 4 hot dogs
  • 4 hot dog buns
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 yellow bell pepper
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 orange bell pepper
  • 1 small red cabbage
  • 1 small head of broccoli
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Optional toppings: ketchup, mustard, relish


  1. Preheat the air fryer to 400°F (200°C).
  2. Place the hot dogs in the air fryer basket and cook for 8-10 minutes until heated through and slightly crispy.
  3. While the hot dogs are cooking, slice the bell peppers, red cabbage, and broccoli into thin strips.
  4. Toss the sliced vegetables with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  5. Arrange the colorful vegetables on a platter.
  6. Once the hot dogs are done, place them in the buns and serve with the rainbow platter.
  7. Add your favorite toppings like ketchup, mustard, or relish.

Nutritional value:

Per Serving in Calories: 320 kcal | Carbohydrates: 30 g | Protein: 12 g | Total Fat: 16 g | Saturated Fat: 4 g | Trans Fat: 0 g | Monounsaturated Fat: 8 g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 4 g | Cholesterol: 20 mg | Sodium: 800 mg | Dietary Fiber: 8 g | Sugar: 8 g | Calcium: 120 mg | Potassium: 500 mg | Iron: 2 mg | Vitamin A: 100 µg | Vitamin C: 80 mg

Preparing Air Fryer Hot Dogs Ahead of Time

Make Ahead Instructions

  • Cook the hot dogs as per the recipe instructions.
  • Allow the hot dogs to cool completely.
  • Store the cooked hot dogs in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.
  • When ready to eat, reheat the hot dogs in the air fryer or microwave until heated through.

Freezing Instructions

  • Cook the hot dogs as per the recipe instructions.
  • Allow the hot dogs to cool completely.
  • Place the cooked hot dogs in a freezer-safe container or bag.
  • Label the container with the date and store in the freezer for up to 2 months.
  • To reheat, thaw the hot dogs in the refrigerator overnight and then reheat in the air fryer or microwave until heated through.

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